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Mondo sports therapy


Lateral Hip Pain

Lateral hip pain is pain that is located on the outside of your hip; it can be a persistent and difficult problem to treat. Clinically, it might be referred to as gluteal tendinopathy, greater trochanteric pain syndrome or historically, as greater trochanteric bursitis.

The primary pathology that affects the lateral hip is gluteal tendinopathy. Tendinopathy is a persistent tendon pain and loss of function related to increased mechanical loading. The gluteus medius and minimus tendons insert onto the greater trochanter at the lateral hip.

Other soft tissue structures might also be involved, including the bursa and the IT band. Specifically, the trochanteric bursa that sits between the ilitobial band (or IT band) and the glute med and min tendons. There are a couple of other bursae that sit underneath those tendons as well, and these can become sensitized when the tendons become problematic. The IT band has also been shown to be thickened in people with lateral hip pain, and so that can also be a source of pain. Gluteal tendinopathy used to be referred to as trochanteric bursitis, but isolated bursa problems are very rare, and it is usually there in combination with gluteal tendinopathy.

From a differential diagnosis perspective, we need to rule out hip joint-related pain and pain referred from the low back. These can also exist in combination with gluteal tendinopathy.

It is our job to figure out all of the conditions that we are dealing with.

Typical presentation includes: Pain over the greater trochanter, with or without pain down the lateral thigh.Pain is commonly increased when lying on their side at night, or when standing with their weight shifted to that leg. Pain is also increased when sitting with your legs crossed, or when walking up stairs.

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